My co-host and I will broadcast on Saturday, September 19, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
The show will focus on the Phantom Fans Week event, and we will be taking calls from attendees to share their experiences at the convention.
Tune in at BlogTalkRadio to listen live on 9/19 or catch the archived shows on our show blog All Things Phantom Show.
If you are attending and wish to be one of the callers to share your experience, contact me at vicki@lessonsfromthephantomoftheopera.com, so we can make arrangements and give you instructions.
Also, if you haven't listened to our shows before, we hope you'll tune in and join the fun. Can't make a live show? No problem. They are archived and available for listening at a later date from our audio players located on our show page and blog.
The Phantom's Student
I've seen different musicals many times and Phantom of the Opera was one of my best attended shows ever…I got a pretty good seat after comparing prices for Free via this :
It was really one of the most memorable shows with a beautiful, smooth-flowing set, gorgeous music and a super talented cast.
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