Change is an inevitable part of life we all experience in one form or another. In relationships, people enter and leave us throughout our lifetime. Each time that occurs, we stand at the crossroads of saying goodbye to someone or something, and we face choices on how to handle the memories left behind. We can choose to think fondly of our past, rather than dwelling on the negatives. Our memories can turn to the good times shared together, rather than grieving over what could have been and never will. We can be thankful for the season together, while understanding that life evolves and changes.
Everyone in the story of the Phantom of the Opera faces the same experience and choices on how to handle the evolution of the story. As we think of Erik and Christine, there were no doubt memories of one another long after their parting. Christine stated Erik would always be there singing songs in her head, and Erik’s parting words to Christine, “I love you” filled his mind and heart with longings of what could have been between the two of them. Christine’s prophetic words in the song "Think of Me," hopefully echoed in his mind. There would never be a day she wouldn’t think of him, and she hopes there is never a day he won’t think of her with fondness. Their comfort in parting is to dwell on what they shared together and not mourn over what might have been.
Midnight, January 1, 2009, a door will open and you will walk into a New Year. Will you turn around and look behind you as you pass through the door? Will there be pain or regrets or bitterness you’ll carry with you like baggage across the threshold? Will you resolve to forget what is behind and reach for what is ahead with anticipation and thankfulness? The best advice I can give my readers is to keep focused on what is ahead with hope in your heart. If memories of 2008 come to mind, think fondly of your past, don’t hold onto any bitterness, and remember life is filled with seasons.
God bless all of you! May 2009 be a Phantastically wonderful year while you think fondly of the past and of those that have graced your life.
With sincere wishes,
The Phantom’s Student
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Great blog! :)
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